The aim of this programme is to enable the learner to develop a detailed understanding of nutrition, diet and health by exploring how our behaviour can motivate and empower lifestyle choices. Learners will also gain the knowledge and skills necessary for the beginnings of a career in nutrition and health, or a foundation for further study in the emerging field of nutrition/ dietetics, health and wellbeing. Successful students will earn an award in Community Health Services 5M4468 on completion. Further opportunities offered with this award include:
This is a one year, full time course, running from September to May.
There are no fees to study this course.
Sports and Recreation Studies
Provides the learner with the knowledge, skill and competence in the theory and practice underpinning sport and recreation activities to enable the learner to work under supervision in a variety of sport, recreation and exercise contexts
Provides the learner with the knowledge, skill and competence to understand the nutritional composition of food and the effects of food and nutrition on an individual’s health and personal well-being.
Sports Nutrition – Level 6
Further develops learner’s knowledge, skill and competence in the concepts and principles underpinning nutrition, energy sources and energy usage within an active living, exercise, sports and or weight management context.
Anatomy & Physiology – 5N0749
Furnishes the learner with knowledge, skill and competence to understand the structure and function of the human body and the interrelationship between its systems.
Dietetics – 5N3736
Introduces the learner to the principles of nutrition to enable them to develop individual nutritional care plans
Psychology – 5N0754
Provides the learner with the knowledge, skills and capacity to understand psychological processes by introducing them to psychological perspectives, psychology as a science, and psychological disorders.
Facilitates the learner to acquire communication skills relevant to vocational and personal development.
Work Experience
Allows the learner to gain personal knowledge, skills and capacity while participating in a suitable work placement, for a limited time, under supervision.
Mathematics (optional)
Allows the learner to apply a broad range of mathematical skills and tools to a wide variety of contexts, with some theoretical understanding.
Access to Post-Primary Teaching Project (APT)
The Access to Post-Primary Teaching (APT) Project is a joint initiative with St. Angela’s College, Sligo, now part of the Atlantic Technological University. The APT Project has developed a direct entry route into St. Angela’s Home Economics Teaching programme for individuals from under-represented groups who are interested in becoming post-primary school teachers. Several places are reserved for eligible FE students. In addition to the opportunity to study post-primary teaching, APT entrants also receive a range of financial and other support on entry to the programme and throughout their studies.