The Information Processing course is designed to equip you with the up-to-date information technology, office and personal effectiveness skills necessary for a modern computerised workplace or for progression to further education and training.
Successful completion of this course will result in a QQI Level 5 Certificate in Information Processing 5M2067.
The course is full-time and involves your commitment five days per week from 9.30 am to 2.45 pm daily. It runs from September to June.
A QQI Level 4 Award or equivalent.
This course leads to a career in general business, accounting, banking, insurance, marketing, management, administration, retail and computing.
VTOS has helped me to learn new skills and update on skills that I have already done. I have also met new people and learned from them. I have also gained and grown in confidence.
Now that I have completed the VTOS course my aim going forward is to get a job that will enable me to apply and the skills that I have learned on the course, such as Word, Excel Spreadsheets and Bookkeeping and confidently be able to share these skills with other people.
This module equips the learner with the knowledge and skills required to understand how information is processed within organisations and the various systems and methods in use and to enable the learner to operate effectively in a range of organisations.
Using common spreadsheet features, students will gain the knowledge, skills, and competence to create and modify spreadsheets under supervision.
This module aims to equip the learner with the knowledge, skill and competence to create and modify databases under limited supervision.
This module will equip the learner with all the knowledge needed to carry out the day-to-day accounting function of a business.
Students will also learn how to operate a computerised accounts system.
Students will engage in practical learning in Microsoft Word and learn word processing skills, including formatting and editing documents, templates, file management, and mail merge.
Facilitates the learner to acquire communication skills relevant to vocational and personal development.
This module covers all aspects of the payroll system in Ireland – normal and emergency tax systems. Students will also learn to operate a computerised payroll system using Sage Payroll software.
This module examines house styles for a range of business documents, how to produce documents with accepted rules for formats and conventions and attain 35 wpm typing speed with 97% accuracy.
Allows the learner to gain personal knowledge, skills and capacity while participating in a suitable work placement, for a limited time, under supervision.