Course Outline:

  • Film Production 5N0637
  • Television and Film Editing 5N0540
  • Image Processing 5N1292
  • Sound Engineering and Production 5N1900
  • Scriptwriting 5N18476
  • Documentary Photography 5N1271
  • Work Experience 5N1356
  • Communications 5N0690


Successful completion of this course will result in a QQI, Level 5, Film and Television Production Certificate, 5M18519.


The following facilities are available at the college.

  • Video Cameras
  • Sound facilities
  • Editing equipment including lighting and a variety of photographic equipment

Course Duration

This is a one year full time course running from September until May.

Entry Requirements

  • Leaving Certificate, Leaving Certificate Applied or equivalent
  • Mature applicants with relevant experience welcome

Entry to this course is subject to interview.


Graduates of this course may progress to further studies doing QQI Level 6 Film and TV Production here at Mayo College.

There are a wide range of progression opportunities available for FET graduates via the CAO website. Please view the entry requirements for all Higher Education colleges here:


Career Opportunities

  • TV and Film at home and abroad
  • Social Media- emphasis currently is on creating video productions for companies which use social media for promoting their products and events.
  • Television Research
  • Jounalism
  • Magazines/Newspapers
  • Local Radio
  • Advertising Agencies

Student Testimonial


I love my course because it’s so varied. Each class is a mix of practical and theoretical work. Our teachers keep us informed about industry standards, while encouraging us to be creative and to think outside the box.


There are no fees to study this course.

Detailed Course Outline:

Film Production 5N0637

Students are guided through the journey of pre-production, production and post-production in the making of a digital film. This module covers a wide array of practical and technical skills needed to manage the many resources of short film production, from shooting schedules to cast and crew and budget requirements.

Assessment Criteria: Project 40%, Assignments (2) 60%

Television and Film Editing 5N15745

This module covers the knowledge and skills needed to utilise the tools and resources in editing within the television and film production process. Students complete editing project which allows them to develop their analytical and creative skills when managing video and audio tracks.

Assessment Criteria: Skills Demonstration 40%, Assignments (2) 60%

Image Processing 5N1292

The image processing module aims to develop knowledge and skills to visualise and plan all stages that are involved in the production and manipulation of digital images. Students are given the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the workings of a digital SLR camera and then to finalise their work using Adobe software, in particular Photoshop. The complexities of successful colour reproduction and its visual impact is also explored.

Assessment Criteria: Project 20%; Collection of Work 60%; Learner Record 20%

Scriptwriting 5N1897

The scriptwriting module explores the process of communicating ideas in visual and written form using industry standard formats. Throughout the course students learn the many aspects of scriptwriting techniques such as development of characters, dialogue and story structure. The scripts are developed as shooting scripts and accompanying storyboards to make them production ready. There is a natural cross over between this module and Film Production. Students also adapt a script for radio.

Assessment Criteria: Collection of Work 100%

Documentary Photography 5N1271

The purpose of this award is to equip the learner with the knowledge, skill and competence in the area of documentary photography to produce individual photographs and under direction to combine such photographs into photograph essays.

Sound Engineering and Production 5N1900

This award equips the learner with the knowledge, skill and competence  to work independently and under supervision in a sound engineering and production environment and develop an awareness of present audio technological developments.

Communications 5N0690

Students studying Communications Level 5 will be able to do with the following:

  • Analysis of a range of current issues in communications and information technology.
  • Summarise in practical terms the elements of legislation that must be observed in a personal and/or work context, to include health, safety and welfare at work and communications-related legislation.
  • Use appropriate non-verbal and visual communication in personal- and work-related settings, to include one-to-one, in a group/team, and in formal and informal interaction.
  • Demonstrate verbal skills appropriate to working under general direction, to include making a case and presenting a point of view in group discussion, formal meetings, interviews.
  • Demonstrate listening skills appropriate to working under general direction, to include making eye contact, receiving and interpreting information, control of personal response.
  • Research a relevant vocational topic, to include use of primary and secondary sources, acknowledgement of sources, use of enquiry techniques and methods to establish validity and reliability

Assessment Criteria: Collection of Work – 50%, Skills Demonstration – 50%

Work Experience 5N1356

Students studying Work Experience Level 5 will do the following:

  • Examine work organisations and personal career opportunities in a particular vocational area, to include consideration of work-related issues and needs.
  • Summarise the basic rights and responsibilities of employees and employers in a particular work, organisational or institutional context, to include health, safety and welfare at work, equality legislation, union representation and regulations relating to pay.
  • Present relevant work experience material, to include a Curriculum Vitae or personal statement, letter of application, evidence of job-finding skills, skills checklist, statement of learning goals, contractual arrangements.
  • Participate effectively in a work experience placement for a minimum of 60 hours to gain experience/insight into their chosen vocational area.

Assessment Criteria: Collection of Work – 60%, Skills Demonstration – 40%


Sound Engineering and Production 5N1900

The purpose of this award is to equip the learner with the
knowledge, skill and competence to work independently and
under supervision in a sound engineering and production
environment and develop an awareness of present audio
technological developments.

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